International SEO and keywords for your target market
Beautifully composed texts are one thing. Web texts that are found in search engines are the other. If you have your website, including all onsite texts, translated, a well-sounding style is not enough.
Special technical features of web texts
In addition to the running text, a website has menus, image captions, footers, page titles and meta descriptions, etc. These must be concise and usually below a character limit in order to be fully displayed in Google snippets, as in the example of the title and meta-description. These display results on Google are very important, because if you are convincing here, you will reach the necessary clicks in the end. Communicate briefly and precisely what you want to offer your reader.
Translate keywords or conduct an extra keyword analysis for the target country
Before you write the copy of one of your landing pages, you weigh individual keywords against each other and try to align the fair copy with them. One might think that in a translation the keywords relevant for the target language are automatically used.
But what if the search behaviour of users searching for information about a product or service, in the other language does not match the translation of the respective keyword? Wouldn't it then be better to carry out a keyword analysis for the foreign language first and to base the draft translation on this?
Online reading behaviour - yet another challenge
In addition, reader behaviour on the internet differs considerably from that of print texts. What is required on a website are 2 or 3 short and concise sentences per paragraph, plus a heading to make the page lighter. Pictures should not be missing either. After all, you want to keep your readers' attention. Highlighting text by bold type is also a means that you should not entirely disregard.
IMASoL's SEO and web translators will be happy to make recommendations in this respect
A well-written text with sophisticated content is irreplaceable
In conclusion, we at IMASoL would like to emphasise the following once again: A site, no matter how extensively optimized, will not provide a single conversion if the content is boring or is conveyed in an unappealing way. Therefore, we at IMASoL are against editing texts in such a way as to insert minimum numbers of keywords issued by online tools. Hence our credo: tools yes, but not at the expense of user-friendliness.
Contact us if you need an international keyword analysis or a translation of you SEO copy